This website is focused on modern machiavellianism. What is it all about and how we can apply it today as ordinary citizens. Thus it will create controversy, conflict and dissension from those who have strong conservative ethical belief system.

This website will be helpful to those who want to learn deception, charm, seduction, manipulation and power.

The Mission of is to equip the current generation to attain power through the use of dark human psychology techniques. Whether you have good or bad intentions, it will be at your own risk.

The author believes that by being knowledgeable of machiavellianism, these people will be able to advance themselves financially and also politically. By being aware also that a person is a machiavellian, weaker kind will be able to protect themselves from anticipated injustice.

Disclaimer : The content from this website is not supported by scientific research. Majority of its research will be from Robert Greene and Niccolo Machiavelli’s books.

MacEcriv is a part-time blogger and a CPA Financial Consultant in the Philippines. The author is an androgynous in appearance and dyslexic.

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